Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why do we get the holiday blues?

I'd rather not have them. I have nothing to be "blue" about. But alas, once Thanksgiving rolls around I begin to feel empty inside. The emptiness only grows as Christmas approaches, big gaping black hole of nothing-ness, once the New Years comes and goes, I begin to feel the emptiness close and snap myself out of my funk.
So. Much. Effort. BAH!

Being in the funk sucks, ya know, it needs a capital, this shit is important! The Funk sucks.
I wonder what causes it. Weather perhaps? Missing loved ones that are gone? The feeling of inadequacy we have when we can't figure out what to get our kids or loved ones for Christmas to appropriately express to them how we feel, what their value is to us?

Or maybe it's all those mixed into one, lump in the throat, restless nights of sleep, Funk.

The Funk can kiss my skinny boo-tay! I am done with it, I am taking power away from the funk.
*removes capital letter, eat that funk*  The funk is no longer important and I am giving power to the good, happy, warm-fuzzy, thoughts that should be dancing through my head. *like sugar plums, dance in my head*

I can't say that my decision above has instantly dissolved my feelings, but I recognize them and put them to rest. In fact, I challenge each one of you, reading this that experiences a funk-off!

We are going to write down all our funk, and then cross that shit out! You know what I mean, scribble so much it dents the page written on, oh heck...get wild, scribble a freaking hole! See how it feels funk, take that! And then flip that shit, write one thing you are thankful for, it doesn't matter how trivial you feel this thing is, if you're thankful. Write it down. Do it. Dooooo it!

Although I can't scribble on my computer screen I can strikethrough like nobodies business.

I'm going to start my funk-off now:

I miss my dad. *picture Yosemite Sam cursing* We had no Christmas traditions, we were awkward as a family, but it worked and I miss that awkwardness. Stop. You know better than to have those feelings, your dad might be physically gone but he will NEVER leave you. Quityerbitchen and see the signs.

Will I ever be enough for my kids? I screwed up plenty when Mini Me was a little, but what I wouldn't give to see her genuinely happy and laughing. *without causing harm to her brother*  She is 13, you are being sensitive. Get over it. She loves you and you two have a great relationship.

I don't have enough time in the day to do all I want. Lies all lies. You want very little and you can do it all. Reorganize the order in which you complete your tasks. Wait to do dishes until AFTER the kids are in bed, there is always time after dinner and baths to snuggle on the couch. Get up early to go to the gym, problem solved.

I don't have enough money for...*random object* Ummm, you do have enough money, your priorities have shifted, you now have a mortgage, 401k and other important responsibilities. You are a responsible adult and let's be honest, do you really need *random object* heck you can't even name it.

I have more, but I'm sure you see my point and to be honest, that strikethrough, although not as exciting as a scribble, worked pretty well.

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