Monday, August 26, 2013

Did you ever think you'd be prepping food in the kitchen and watching Disney Channel??

Let me set the stage:

It's midday on Friday, we had just had our a$$e$ handed to us at the gym, (TRX crunches are no joke, ask Blondie hehe) and it was time to prep food for the next week.

Pineapple has been cut and measured, tilapia has been cooked, weighed, and bagged. Inventory of sweet potatoes and brown rice, done. We are finally winding down in our routine and then we remember our protein...bah! How could we forget the powdered chocolaty goodness?
Blondie gets our jug, I get our bags. We post up, side by side. He scoops, I label and hold the bag. Teamwork.

*There is no I in TEAM...well there kind of is, in the a-hole*

Three bags in and I stop look up at him and ask if he'd ever thought his life would be what it is now? Standing in our kitchen scooping protein and watching the Disney Channel, fixing flat tires on well loved bikes, arguing *ahem, negotiating* bed times and if dessert is warranted.

He stops, grins down at me, beautiful blue eyes sparkling and a simple "nope" comes out of his mouth.

I know this man well enough to know, "nope" says very little, but oh so much. This life we have built together isn't anything he had planned, or expected, but somehow it's everything he or should I say, everything we needed.  

When we met, Blondie was single, prepping for his first physique competition, doing what he wanted when he wanted, he had no restrictions. He had just traveled Europe with his friend and was talking about planning his next adventure...BAM! He met little ol' me. baahahahah *that is in no way an evil laugh, ok ok it is*

So now he has us, a ready made family. We are like those sea monkeys you just add water to, bouncing, flopping around popping up from nowhere, and then again we aren't. We are work, quirky, goofy, moody, funny, and a little bit high maintenance. *They are, not me, no way no how*

I look to Blondie for help, reassurance, strength. I mean his arms are the size of my quads, so that's strength, right?? He is my teeter to my totter, or I'm his totter to his teeter. Either way we work. He helps me, I help him. He drives me I drive him. Give and take, take and give. It works. For the first time in my life, it works. F@*king terrifying and yet it's not.

Yes, we have had the "Are you sure about this?!" conversation, it is usually brought on by Little Buddy  pushing my buttons and Mini Me's buttons, who is also pushing my buttons and he's pushing Diva-Do's buttons, and jumping up and down on Dopey-Dope's buttons. *freaking buttons, I hate buttons* Meow is lucky, she leaves, peace out humans, you are NUTS!!!

"Babe are you SURE you want to do this, cause really I don't, I don't wanna, I change my mind. I should have had a pet first, no instructions, no sense, no way! You stay, I'll leave. Diva, Dope to the car, we're outta here!!!"
*above is a very accurate recount of a mommy melt down. Do I mean it, no way, would I ever leave them, NEVER, but those dang buttons!!!*

The reality is this life is beautiful! It's taken me a long time to get here, lots of work, lots of struggles, but I'm here and dammit I'm going to enjoy it.

So I will ask myself the same question I asked Blondie, to be fair.

In all I've done and all I've been through, did I ever think I would be where I am today?

Would I change a thing, past or present?

Life, it's pretty damn special.

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