Thursday, August 29, 2013

"Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day." ~Unknown

I don't know who said it, but it's true.

I woke up this morning in a rotten mood. It was one of those days where you get out of bed and you feel everything around you mutter "$hit, she's up". Then when your feet hit the ground, you step on something sharp, stub your toe on the door frame and bonk your head on the shower knob.

*picture the wildfire scene in Bambi, animals scatter running for safety.*

Ya, I had that kind of morning.

I woke up Little Buddy, who was happily sleeping in his homemade bunk bed hammock, he is so cuddly in the mornings. *Ain't nobody got time for that* Little Buddy was in slow mode, and well, he rarely has a slow mode. He was very distracted this morning which didn't help him being extra slow. I got mad. Poor guy. I was angry with him for just trying to wake up and be sweet to the dogs, go potty, hug me good morning, wash his hands before he brushed his teeth, it seemed like I was upset to be upset and I took it out on him.

Little Buddy loves his basket ball shorts, he mimics Blondie with every chance he gets (even requesting protein shakes so he can grow big and strong). He wanted to wear a pair that I had not washed, he didn't care. But I did.  I didn't talk to him about it, I talked at him. Defeated my sweet little boy retreated to his bedroom to find something else to wear. It took too long, I had breakfast made and his lunch packed, but I had yet to get ready myself. I needed Little Buddy to hurry, he is always quick...why. not. now?? Bah, I feel crappy about how I spoke to him this morning, his big brown tear filled eyes looking up at me, apologizing to me for something that I should be apologizing to him for. I tied his shoes ( I wanted fast, remember) and held him. I hugged my crying boy and told him I was sorry. I told him I messed up by speaking to him the way I did, I told him he picked a good outfit and he did a fantastic job at brushing his teeth. (He took his time, did well...I wanted fast) UGH, I screwed up big time this morning. Dammit.

Mini Me stayed away, she wrapped herself in her peace sign snuggie knock off and kept her distance. She is a smart one. She understands me, you see Mini Me and I are identical. Not just in looks but in moods. Sometimes, when she wakes up, I shudder. "$hit, she's up".  As hard as it is being the same as your little, it makes it easy to understand.  This morning Mini Me understood, I needed her too. She looked at me, smiled at me, let me be bat$hit crazy and then said, "Momma, go get ready, I'll help. Go"

*I hardly said a word to my kids this morning, aside from barking orders at Little Buddy and the pleading look on my face of "help me" to Mini Me.*

Ahhhhh, I feel rotten. There aren't many days that I feel like a crappy momma, but dang it if this isn't one of them.

As you can see, my day has not been fantastic, my nerves are shot, my brain is going a million miles an hour, I feel guilty, and I am tired.

*I can take on the world if I'm rested, I don't handle much when I'm tired.*

I really should be locked away all day. I am not fun to be around. 

Buuuuuut my day is also good, I need to recognize that. I do feel better now that I have confessed to you my antics of this morning, still feeling guilty. I will still make it up to him. I make mistakes, but I can fix it.
I may be cranky and easily rubbed wrong but I have a great job, great co-workers, a boyfriend that adores me, and children that will still let me kiss them in public.

So tonight when I get home I am going to talk to my Little Buddy, explain to him that I was very wrong to treat him poorly, I was wrong to be frustrated with him. I am going to apologize. . *sorry means nothing without the positive action toward change*
Not only will I apologize, I will make my best effort to never treat him that way again. I will promise to fix my moods before stepping out of my room.
Just because I'm upset by some unknown, doesn't mean I have any right to project those negative feelings onto those I love. It is not Little Buddies fault, or Blondie's fault, or Mini Me's fault. I own my moods, I have to be an adult and make the decision to choose to see the good in every day.


  1. Very heartfelt and wonderful my dear friend. It is so wonderful to see how you have changed and grown these years and you figured out you really can do it!!!

    1. Thank you Missa, that means a lot. You've been there through the thick of it. It took me a while, but I made it. :) xo
